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Massage & Bodywork

Checkout what Nancy offers

nkl smooth moves located at Buckets Full of Health in historic Rancocas Woods, Mt. Laurel Township, Burlington County, New Jersey, wants to keep you healthy in mind and body.  

Rancocas Woods, with its craft and antique shows and special events, is not only a place for crafts and gifts but a place to relax and restore your health.  Buckets Full of Health at 210 Creek Road has been serving the area with massage and bodywork services since 2004.

As the founder of Buckets Full of Health, Nancy Lum brings 28 years of clinical experience as a massage therapist and Feldenkrais practitioner to support you on your health journey.

The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter, and the spirit heals with joy


Since graduating from Massage training in 1991 followed by a 3 1/2 year training as a Feldenkrais Practitioner in 2001, I have been able to perfect my chosen profession of helping people to heal. I offer massage and movement re-education.


Tree of Life
My area of expertise includes working with the following issues:

  • stroke damage
  • lupus
  • back injuries
  • knee and hip joint troubles
  • dystonia
  • limiting arthritis
  • post cancer side effects

just to name a few!

My Feldenkrais movement series can help people of all ages and conditions to improve walking, sitting, standing and help overcome bad postural habits.

The reason I started this journey was my experience with my Mom during her post cancer surgical recovery. As a teenager, that era of treatment didn’t offer a lot of comfortable pain relief and I intuitively found that massage of her back could calm and relieve some of her pain and discomfort.

I look forward to working with you and customizing a plan for healing and better health!

Nancy Lum: BFA, CMP, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, SLDT Certified

Nancy Lum Massage Therapist

lymphatic drainage iconLymphatic Drainage-LDT

The lymphatic system clears waste and toxins from the bodily tissues and cells as the body’s Waste removal System.

LDT is a light skin stretching technique that uses:

  • Precise movements with specific pressure
  • Directional movements congruent with the anatomy of the Lymphatic System
  • Specific Rythym at a specific speed
  • Flows in a sequence that assists and accelerates the work of healing the lymphatic system

smooth moves by Nancy LumFeldenkrais Method

Movement is Life

Who is this for? Everyone!

The Feldenkrais Method® is a powerful and revolutionary approach to improving your life that uses gentle, mindful movement to bring new awareness and possibility into every aspect of your life.

Developed by Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, the Feldenkrais Method has helped millions of people worldwide.

Learn more on how this powerful practice can help you!

bamboo massage by Nancy LumBamboo Fusion Massage

Commonly referred to as “Hot Bamboo Massage”.  It’s a fairly new and effective type of massage therapy.

During the massage the bamboo stick serves an an extension to the hands, effectively palpate, find tension and dissolve knots and trigger points.

Sticks are used to knead and stretch muscle and fascia in all directions. Pressure can be applied as light or deep as necessary or desired.

workshops at Smooth Moves by Nancy LumMassage & Bodywork

Everyone can benefit from a massage! Nancy uses her massage and bodywork expertise to help alleviate your pain and mobility issues. She has perfected a 30 minute session which is only $45.

More Massage information

For appointment call 856.767.0969